I didn't want to do this. I really didn't. I tried looking the other way. Ignoring the headlines (here, here, and here). Repressing them deep into my memory even as my fellow Muslims argue all around the issues. In fact, Khairy (who I disagree with on a whole host of issues) has made the most sense of anybody. Don't forget he's 29. Maybe he has what it takes to be a Prime Minister.
Forgive me. I have to get this off my chest. As a Muslim, I don't think that Muslims should be drinking. Alcohol is clearly prohibited for us. That being said, the real issue of all this is enforcement. How do my fellow Muslims propose that we enforce this rule evenhandedly?
Let me clarify. If the problem is that Muslims were consuming alcohol, then the JAWI officers should have been administering breathalyzers to prove that some people were drinking alcohol. They weren't, so I can only guess that this rule is being applied to people in the VICINITY of alcohol. If that is truly the case then why aren't Muslims being picked up in each of 100+ hotels in this country? Isn't alcohol served in most if not all of these establishments?
You see I have no problem with Muslims who think that other Muslims shouldn't be in places that serve alcohol. To that I agree. However, the problem I have is how do you enforce this rule equally without restricting almost every place that Muslims congregate. Hotels, Golf Clubs, Social Clubs, etc.
Please enlighten me.
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